Code of Conduct

The purpose of LiveMasjid is to connect the Muslim Ummah to the Masaajid and Ulema in a pure and pristine state. We therefore have the responsibility to ensure that LiveMajid serves only those Masaajid and Ulema that align to our Code of Conduct:
  1. To unite the Ummah on the ‘Aqīdah (beliefs) of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamā’ah.
  2. To emphasize and accentuate the importance of following the fiqh of ONE of the four A’immah of Ijtihād viz. Imām Abū Ḥanīfah, Imām Mālik, Imām Shāfi’ī and Imām Aḥmad Rahmatullahi Alayhim.
  3. To encourage the alignment and attachment of the Ummah to ‘Ulamā and Mashā’ikh, with the object of promoting Tazkiyah (spiritual reformation) of the Ummah in the tradition of the great Mashā’ikh.
  4. To foster a proper understanding and appreciation of the importance of the effort of Da’wah and Tablīgh.

LiveMasjid reserves the right to not serve and discontinue its service to any Masaajid or Aalim who openly opposes the Shariah and who commits or promotes any major sin, including, but not limited to: (these may be adjusted from time to time)
  1. Photography of people
  2. Intermingling between non-mahrams
  3. Inter-faith movement
  4. Masjid Open Days and inviting of non-muslims to Masaajid
  5. Closing of Masaajid and implementing COVID protocols in Masaajid
  6. LGBTQ movement
  7. Salafi, Ghair-Muqallid and those who don’t align to any of the four A’immah of Ijtihād
  8. Those that align to false ideologies like Shia, Salafi, Barelwi or other misguided sects

LiveMasjid is guided by the senior and distinguished ‘Ulamā of South Africa, who have made great effort and sacrifice to protect and preserve the letter and spirit of the Dīn: Mashwarah and guidance is also taken from the Dārul Iftās of Dārul ‘Ulūm Zakariyya, Dārul ‘Ulūm Azaadville and Madrasah Ta’līmuddīn Isipingo Beach.
Aswaatul Masaajid @